"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth." -Buddha
Honesty. It sounds simple enough. Tell the truth. Do not lie. These days I guess it is difficult to practice. It's a forgotten value.
Too many people don't listen to that little voice inside their heads called a conscience. People tell little white lies and do things they really shouldn't do because "it didn't hurt anybody." What if your the one being lied to? What if they are justifying their actions with the exact same reasoning? That is just people rationalizing their behavior that they know is wrong. It's sad that people are surprised by honesty these days! Like when I am undercharged or given too much change at a restaurant or store I do the honest thing. I give the money back. It's doesn't belong to me. Oh, it's their fault for making that mistake, is it? There you go rationalizing your behavior again so that it suits you.
I appreciate honesty. Sometimes it's hard to hear and it hurts feelings, but it's necessary. I do however, believe that their is a time for it. I also believe their are times when it's better just to not say anything at all. Don't tell your best friend that her baby is ugly. That's not being honest. That's being mean. But in the same aspect, don't ask questions you don't want a true and honest answer to and then get mad. You asked for it. I think the hardest person you can be honest with is yourself. Even when you know you can't hide anything from yourself. You just ignore it.
That being said I think I need to bring up the difference in honesty and opinions. People seem to get confused sometimes. Just because it is your opinion about something, doesn't mean it's the truth. It's your opinion. It's what your think about a situation and just because that is what you think about it, doesn't make it right. Of which you can express without being rude. Yes, it's possible. Because seriously, it's annoying when people claim to just be "opinionated" and are actually just nosy and rude.
No, I don't think you should tell your six year old child the answer when he asks where babies come from. But, you don't have to lie... just don't give him more information than he is really looking for. No, I don't think you should should withhold the truth just to spare people's feelings, but you don't have to be brutal. The truth hurts enough. And it always comes out in the end.
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