"Some things don't last forever, but some things do. Like a good song, or a good book, or a good memory that you can unfold in your darkest times, pressing down on the corners and peering in close, hoping you still recognize the person you see in there." -Sarah Dessen
I'm sorry about the sparse quality of my blogs for the last week or so. I have had some things going on in my life this past week. Not to mention, I not only had to get back into the school routine, I also had to get Eli into one too. I think at this point I am emotionally exhausted.
What do you do when the very things you've built your life around are challenged? All your plans for the future possibly changed. How do you just deal with it enough to go on with all your daily doings? It seems like I am doing am okay job, but I find myself distracted a lot, thinking about it all.
I can just pray that we can get through this in one piece. That the truth will be shown to me and I will know the way but still keeping in mind that somethings don't last forever. It's the sad, unfortunate truth. But will I still recognize me?
sometimes life just sucks... (happy tonight aren't I?)... I have had times in my life that I didn't think I would make it through, I think everyone does, then looking back you see how brief the time was and that you are a better person for what you went through.