Thursday, August 5, 2010

Project 365 - Day 17

"Come watch with me the shaft of fire that glows in yonder West: the fair, frail palaces, the fading Alps and archipelagos, and great cloud-continents of sunset-seas." -Thomas Bailey Aldrich

I love sunsets. Donald had the day off so I tried to go down to the beach to photograph it, but again, things came up. I really wanted to get a picture of the sunset today so I tried improvising. I think the result is really beautiful. It is really peaceful watching the sunset. Watching the sky change colors. I'll admit that I wasn't in the best mood today (I know...what's new, right?). It helped to just sit and relax and watch the day come to an end. This is my favorite lighting to photograph in. Everything is bright and illuminated and has a little extra... something special. Maybe it's just me and my imagination. :)

Cutting it short. Enjoy the beautiful sunset!
Until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love this photograph. You may not be getting the beach photo's that you want, but my dear what you are taking is still magnificent!
