Friday, August 6, 2010

Project 365 - Day 18

"I think it's really important to use your hands and get close to materials. To be up close to real things like rain and mud; to have contact with nature." -Robin Day

It rained again today. But you can get some pretty neat photos of water drops right after a good shower before the Florida sun comes back out and dries it all up. You can see right through this drop of water to whats on the other side. It's not a reflection because if it was you'd see me and my camera instead. If you click the photo and make it bigger you can really see the little details in the water drop. I don't really mind the rain. It makes it cooler, the sound on my tin roof is nice, it's good nap weather. So as long as it doesn't thunder and lightning. Thunderstorms make me paranoid. I hate thunder and lightning. :/ Yes, I get scared go on and laugh if you want. It makes me think of tornadoes and then I get even more freaked. It's just not good all around. Now if you make it a thunderstorm, a really loud one, with lots of lightning and wind, with a tornado warning, AND I'm alone with my child. Then you have one thoroughly scared, bordering on hyperventilating, mama.

Call me a baby, call me what you will. I don't like storms. I like the rain just fine and it makes for a good picture afterwards. Here's proof.

Until tomorrow.

1 comment:

  1. Love this photo!
    I had to go to get Lew last night after we had a torrential storm (and I took the pic of the leprechan at the end of the rainbow) but I didn't take my camera with me and I could have kicked myself. Although we had had a horrid dark storm just two miles away the sky was blue and the sunset with thunderheads near by was amazing! Next time.. camera will go along for the ride.
