"Let come what will, I mean to bear it out, And either live with glorious victorie, Or die with fame renown'd for chivalrie: He is not worthy of the honey-comb, That suns the hives because the bees have stings" -William Shakespeare
The first thing I thought of when I saw this photo is, "Man, that is a scary lookin' face!" I even named with photo when I saved it "scarybeeface". But then I figured why should I be afraid of the bee's face when it's got a stinger. This is like life. Life has all these twists and turns that you don't really understand, but is all part of a master plan. Things happen that can get you down. You get sick, you get a flat tire, or your car just flat out breaks down. There is no good time for things like this to happen, but they do. That's life for ya. It's discouraging all right. But like the bee's face, why think about them when life could really sting us? We could lose a loved one, your house could catch on fire, your family go hungry. Without things this to keep us in check, we'd forget to appreciate what we have. Sometimes your have to get sick to be thankful when you are in good health. Sometimes you have to get up and go to work when you really want to stay in bed to be thankful you have a job. And sometimes your car breaks down, but at least you have a car for it to be able to do that. These are all very small things in the big picture of life. Know things will get better, and they sure can get a lot worse. Be thankful you have the support of friends and family to get through bad times. When you look life in the face and you are scared, remember that life has a stinger, too.
This photo rocks my socks... <3