"I don't believe in pessimism. If something doesn't come up the way you want, forge ahead. If you think it's going to rain, it will." -Clint Eastwood
For almost a week I had planned to drive down to the beach and photograph the sunset. I love being close to the gulf coast, because it allows me to do that. This started around 2 or 3 o'clock and hasn't completely let up yet. It's still almost completely overcast, so I figured a trip out to the beach today just wasn't possible. I was a little disappointed because I'd been looking forward to it but I decided that it wasn't going to rain on my parade, maybe we could go tomorrow. I gave myself a little pat on the back for looking on the bright side of things. Something I have been working on for a while seeings as how I am not always the most optimistic. I've learned that sometimes you just have to make a conscious decision to be happy. I'm wayyyy to young to be a pessimist. You have to try and see the good in a bad situation, you have to see the sunshine through the clouds. Oh sure, feel sorry for yourself for a little while but don't wallow. You'll never find your way out or be happy if you don't try to see the glass half full. Maybe the pessimist is more often correct, but at least optimism makes the trip more fun. The outcome will be the same. Things happen. So wallow in your own self pity about something, or try to make the most of it. Pessimism is an excuse. It is an easy way out because people aren't looking at life as a whole. It is an excuse to not live up to your full potential because all the things that might or might not happen. And while you are waiting and moping, you forget to live. You forget to see the beauty in people, in nature, in life! People are always trying to get you down.. don't make it any easier for them by just laying down to take it.
So whether it's raining and you wanted to go to the beach or you've broken up with your boyfriend again... try to smile, try to laugh, do a good deed, think about the future. And try to see how much you have to live for.
Maybe I'll get that picture tomorrow and appreciate the rain today.
I love this photo very much and agree with staying optimistic!!!