Thursday, July 29, 2010

Project 365 - Day 10

"Be able to recognize the dangerous snakes, spiders, insects, and plants that live in your area of the country." -Marilyn vos Savant

This is a Cottonmouth Water Moccasin. This was by the creek behind my house. This is a photo of the Cottonmouth while he still had a head.

Me, Eli, and Nick were out and about exploring. They were throwing rocks in the water and I, of course, had my camera taking pictures here and there. This was literally 3 feet away from the boys. He could have attacked within a split second. Cottonmouth are naturally aggressive snakes so I am very glad I saw the snake when I did and got the boys behind me and told them to go back to the house. I kept my eye on the snake while they escaped but kept my distance just in case it decided it was going to try and chase them. Inside my head I am frantic because I kept thinking of just how close they boys were to death with fangs! So, Justin grabbed the shot gun and we headed back out and it was in the exact same spot. Aim, cock, boom. Dead snake.
I did kinda feel bad for the snake. That it had to die. BUT seeings as how close my son and my little cousin (and me) came so close to it and could have gotten bitten, it had to go. Their life is much more precious than the snake's. It's funny that this happened because my aunt, Julie, was just saying this morning that she thought she saw one of these outside her glass door! And I said, "Photo op!" Well, I got mine lol. Must be a day for Cottonmouths to be out.

The Cottonmouth is now in snake heaven. With his head blown to bits. Resting peacefully at the bottom of the creek.


  1. Where oh Where was Justin when I needed him today??? Your Uncle was on the phone saying "take my gun out and..." nuff said I wasn't going OUT there WITH the snake!!

  2. Wow I was looking at that early this morning and first thinking, holy crap that's a big snake and then thinking how dedicated you are. I'm glad the boys were safe and that they realize there are dangerous things to look out for!
