"Be still, sad heart, and cease repining; Behind the clouds the sun is shining; Thy fate is common fate of all, Into each life rain must fall, Some days must be dark and dreary." -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
Maybe it's the rain. It has been raining for almost two days straight. Maybe it's because it's almost time for mother nature's monthly visit and I always get a little melancholy.
I've been a little down today.
I have no reason to be really. The day was fine. Things went well. Nothing bad happened. No one got sick. No natural disasters or tragedies.
I had a lot of idle time today. Eli was at school, then off to Tonya's. Donald was working day shift because he had in-service. I was alone mostly today and had a lot of time to sit and think about things. I am usually so busy these days that I don't have time for that. I listened to a lot of music today. And I kinda wanted to cry whenever a sad song, or a too-happy song came on. Seems I'm on the brink of tears today.
I'm sure this will pass like the rain. I'll have my little moment, my little shower, and then it will blow on over. Then the sun will start shining again.
Gotta have a lil rain for crops to be fruitful and I think people are the same way :D