Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Project 365 - Day 54

"It's fun to do a comedy and hook people in and then hoodwink them into watching a serious movie,...I like to lead in with the comedy and then hit them over the head with drama." -Reese Witherspoon

I'd call me and my husband movie enthusiasts. It's something we do together. We watch movies. We use to go out to movies a few times a week probably, but since I'm in school and he's at work when I'm home and we live so far from a theater, those days are gone. But we will rent and buy movies to watch quite frequently. I have a pretty broad taste in movies, just like I do in music. I, of course, love romances. I also love fantasies and musicals. Donald's all time favorite genre is comedy. That's all we'd watch if it was up to him. But I make him suffer through chick flicks. Here is a tiny part of our movie collection that was sitting on the shelf.

until tomorrow...

1 comment:

  1. We just watched Letters To Juliette he NEEDS to suffer through that one!
