"It takes a bee to get the honey out." -Arthur Guiterman
Oh my gosh, ya'll.
Bees. Have. Tongues.
The proof is right there. See it?! Is it only me who thinks this is totally weird? And I the only one who didn't know that bees have tongues??? I'm just bewildered.
like ewwwwww at least it's not a spider... do they have tongues? Just curious... that shall be your next quest.. get a pic of a spider tongue. lol To be honest, I have never really thought about if bees have tongues or not.
like ewwwwww at least it's not a spider... do they have tongues? Just curious... that shall be your next quest.. get a pic of a spider tongue. lol To be honest, I have never really thought about if bees have tongues or not.